You can download here the Book of Abstracts: Yielding2019_BoA
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- Elisabeth Agoritsas: “Yielding vs depinning transitions: insights from the infinite-dimensional limit”
- Ada Altieri: “Jamming versus Yielding transition: from hard-sphere glasses to mean-field models of attractive particles”
- Nuno A. M. Araujo: "Robust aging dynamics of a network fluid"
- Javier Curiale: “Intermittent collective dynamics of domain walls in the creep regime”
- Gustavo Düring: “Strain-induced stiffening of complex disordered solids: an anti-yielding scenario”
- Laura Foini: “Earthquake-like dynamics in the creep regime of a magnetic domain wall”
- Craig E. Maloney: “Hysteresis, reversibility and diffusion in a meso-scale model for plasticity in amorphous materials under cyclic shear”
- Kirsten Martens: “Transient and permanent shear localisation in yielding disordered solids”
- Misaki Ozawa: “Yielding of ultrastable computer glasses”
- Laurent Ponson: “Compressive failure of disordered materials: a model experimental system to explore the differences between yielding and depinning ?”
- Cynthia Olson Reichhardt: “Jamming and Clogging of Passive and Active Particles in Disordered Media”
- Stéphane Santucci: “Inertial effects on the multi-scale stick-slip dynamics in adhesive tape peeling”
- Damien Vandembroucq: “Coarse-graining amorphous plasticity from atomic to mesoscopic scale”
- Matthieu Wyart: “Asperity-level description of the nucleation of slip at a frictional interface”
- Mikko Alava: “The yielding of dislocation assemblies: avalanches and predictability”
- Stefan Boettcher: “Relaxation and aging in jammed glasses, the ubiquity of record dynamics, and the failure of trap models”
- Nirvana Belen Caballero: “Interfaces: A step beyond the elastic approximation”
- Sergio Ciliberto: “Dielectric measures of mechanically stressed polycarbonate films”
- Jerome Crassous: “Fluctuations of plasticity into a stationary shear band”
- Gary Delaney: “Yielding of jammed packings of frictional non-spherical particles near to the limit of mechanical stability”
- Yanina Fasano: “Unveiling the Vortex Glass Phase in the Surface and Volume of a Type-II Superconductor”
- Paula Gago: “Critical behaviour of fluid injection driven fracturing into weakly consolidated sands”
- Pamela Guruciaga: “A micromagnetism-inspired effective scalar-field model to study driven systems in disordered media”
- Yuliang Jin: “Numerical study of plasticity and yielding in ultra-stable hard sphere glasses”
- Jack Parley: “Time-dependent rheology of amorphous materials and the effects of power-law mechanical noise”
- Massimo Pica Ciamarra: “Oscillatory Instabilities in Frictional Granular Matter”
- Ido Regev: “Hierarchical memory in sheared amorphous solids”
- Charles Reichhardt: “Reversibility and criticality in amorphous solids”