After the evaluation and consideration by the commitee formed by Drs. Carolina Brito (UFRGS, Brasil), Kirsten Martens (UGA, France) and Yuliang Jin (CITP, China), the EPS poster prize has been granted to
Federico Elías, from Centro Atómico Bariloche, for his poster
"The fate of hyperuniform vortex patterns at the surface of type II superconductors"
(full list of authors and abstract in pag.58 of the book of abstracts). A PDF of the poster here.
Congratulations Federico! and thanks to the committe for a very difficult selection task among several excellent posters.
Participants of the Workshop are invited to take part of the poster challenge with a generous prize offered by EPS.
The prize consists of:
All PhD and Master students are eligible.
Criteria for evaluation
Judges appointed by the Organizers. They will read the posters and discuss the posters with the presenters during the poster session. If the number of posters is large, every judge may not see every poster, but at least some judge will.
The posters are judged on the following criteria:
Scientific quality and Contribution to the field
The judges confer and come to a consensus as to which presentation(s) will be given an award. Winners are announced towards the end of the conference.
If you're presenting a poster at the Workshop and belong to the eligible group, you will be asked by the Organizers if you want to participate in the challenge; a visit of the judges to your poster will be scheduled during a poster session.
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