Jerome Crassous (University of Rennes, France): “Fluctuations of plasticity into a stationary shear band”
Gary Delaney (CSIRO, Australia): “Yielding of jammed packings of frictional non-spherical particles near to the limit of mechanical stability”
Yanina Fasano (Bariloche Atomic Center, Argentina): “Unveiling the Vortex Glass Phase in the Surface and Volume of a Type-II Superconductor”
Paula Gago (Imperial College, UK): “Critical behaviour of fluid injection driven fracturing into weakly consolidated sands”
Pamela Guruciaga (Bariloche Atomic Center, Argentina): “A micromagnetism-inspired effective scalar-field model to study driven systems in disordered media”
Yuliang Jin (Chinese Institute of Theoretical Physics, China): “Numerical study of plasticity and yielding in ultra-stable hard sphere glasses”
Jack Parley (Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany): “Time-dependent rheology of amorphous materials and the effects of power-law mechanical noise”