Registration > Payment

Registration fees should be paid by PayPal following this button:

 (full fee U$D200)


After your payment, please contact us directly ( with the following information:

- Your name (workshop participant)
- Your institution
- The email associated to the Paypal account from wich you have paid (not necessarily yours).
- (important) Any particular requirement you may have in the preparation of your invoice (e.g., display a grant identifier).

Please note that invoices should be printed soon after your payment and amendments would not be possible after that.


If (and only if) you're in Argentina and you can pay in Argentinean pesos. You may do (instead of paying by Paypal) a bank transfer to:

Banco HSBC
Titular: Fundación José A. Balseiro
Cuenta Corriente en pesos: 6813202895
CBU: 1500681500068132028950
CUIT: 30-62600060-2

by the amount of pesos needed to buy 200 dollars at BNA at the moment of your wire transfer.


*If you're a student, you may pay a reduced fee. Get in touch


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